Samopoškodovalno vedenje pri mladostnikih

Oddelek za psihologijo Filozofske fakultete vabi na gostujoče predavanje Samopoškodovalno vedenje pri mladostnikih, ki bo v torek, 8. junija 2021, ob 13.00 uri potekalo na Zoom povezavi (ID: 977 0245 6393, geslo: 265771). Predavala bo izr. prof. dr. Slávka Démuthová. Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.

O predavateljici: Izr. prof. dr. Slávka Démuthová je na ERASMUS+ gostovanju v Ljubljani (Staff mobility for teaching). Dela kot profesorica psihologije na Oddelku za psihologijo Univerze St. Cirila in Metoda v Trnavi na Slovaškem. Od leta 2013 je predstojnica oddelka. Kot gostujoča učiteljica in raziskovalka redno sodeluje z oddelki za psihologijo na univerzah v Bratislavi, Brnu, Pragi, Ljubljani, Varšavi, Giessnu in drugod. Kot raziskovalko jo zanimajo različna področja: psihološke determinante kriminala, umiranje in žalovanje, strah pred smrtjo in religioznost, koncept lepote in privlačnosti ter destruktivno vedenje v adolescenci. Njen nedavni raziskovalni projekt je nosil naslov "Kognitivno premišljevanje o lepoti: združevanje filozofije in kognitivnih študij estetskega zaznavanja", trenutno pa se ukvarja s psihološkimi težavami v mladostništvu, natančneje z raziskovanjem nagibov za samopoškodovalno vedenje in samomorilnost pri mladostnikih.

Vsebina (v angleščini): The increasing prevalence and new forms of self-harm have attracted the attention of experts to this undesirable and highly risky phenomenon. Even though the question of the prevalence of self-harming behaviour among adolescent is not a new one, in the past it mainly occurred in connection with certain psychiatric diagnoses and mental disorders – i.e. autism, mental retardation, attempted suicide or among the victims of sexual abuse. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10), the classification system of the World Health Organization, describes “intentional self-harm” (X60 – X84) as a symptom of borderline personality disorder. Recent findings show that this relatively narrow view needs to be revised. Self-harming behaviour has increasingly been found in the adolescent population with no psychiatric illnesses, occurring independently of a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and it seems that it is not a symptom of the development or future onset of a mental disorder. The lecture summarizes recent findings from current data and provides an overview of prevalence, forms, motives for self-harm, age and gender specifics of self-harm, but also other important variables entering the onset and maintenance of this high-risk behaviour in adolescence. It also presents the preliminary findings connected with the COVID-19 situation.



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