Oddelek za geografijo

Gostujoče predavanje "Tourism in urban conditions - concept, sustainability, destinations"


v četrtek, 9. 12. 2021 (ob 8.50, predavalnica 233), vas vabimo na predavanje z naslovom "Tourism in urban conditions - concept, sustainability, destinations".

Predavali bosta Snežna Đurđić in Sanja Pavlović s Fakultete za geografijo v Beogradu.

Lepo vabljeni!


Department of Philosophy

Change of Office Hours Timotej Prosen

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Change of Office Hours Alejandro Rodriguez Diaz del Real

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Boštjan Rogelj

Department of English

Change of Office Hours Andreja Drašler

Department of English

Change of Office Hours Anamarija Šporčič