Introduction to Translation and the Information Society

Introduction to Translation and the Information Society

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 30

ECTS credit: 6

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Popič Damjan, prof. dr. Žigon Tanja

The course consists of two units:
a) Introduction to Translation (lectures)
b) Literacy for the Information Society (lectures and tutorial)

Introduction to Translation: the notion of culture and intercultural transfer (in particular, of culture-specific items). Translation in past and present societies. The translator as a mediator between the original author/text and the target recipient. External factors affecting translation decisions. Participants in the translation process. Basic types of translation: literary translation, scientific and technical (non-literary) translation, interpreting, multimedia translation. Norms, strategies and procedures. Required knowledge (linguistic and nonlinguistic) and abilities. Aids for translation.
Literacy for the Information Society: Operating systems. Data security. Text processing. Spreadsheets and charts. Presentations. Searching for information on the Internet. Digital libraries and bibliographic databases. Stylesheets, citations and bibliographies. Language resources and tools. Language technologies for Slovene. Corpora as a language source and language manual. Introduction to corpus analysis. Processing and interpreting language data.