Sociology of Social Movements and Political Institutions

Sociology of Social Movements and Political Institutions

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 15

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 4

Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Mandelc Damjan

-Sociological definition and division of social movements, specificity of pre-political, modern (classical) and new social movements. Doctrine as constitutive element of movement.
- Social movements and doctrines in the 19th century: liberalism, conservatism, national movements, Marxism, anarchism, social democracy, feminist movement, Christian social movement.
- First World War and the social movement of working classes (reformed capitalism vs. communist revolution); doctrines until the break-up of WWII; liberalism, democracy, fascism, Nazism, Bolshevism, Stalinism, political Catholicism, popular front movements.
- Socio-political ideas of national liberation movements and anti-colonial revolution. Neoconservative political thought.
- Movements for democratization in European Stalinist states – breaking of political monism and transition (problems of pluralism, civil society and democracy).
- New social movements: student, neo-feminist, ecological, peace, anti-nuclear, youth alternative cultural movements etc. Communitarianism. Social movements and globalization.
Definition of basic concepts related to the state:
power, authority, control, bureaucracy, sovereignty, legitimacy, legality, democracy etc.
- Political power, social groups and individual; historical development of human rights regimes and freedoms; historical development of constitutionality and parliamentarism; emergence of modern state.
- Organizational image of the state. Forms of governance, political system, state authority and state regulations. Processes of decision-making; political parties and interest groups. Electoral systems. Civil society, rule of law and human rights.
- Citizen of the state in the 21st century: possibilities and responsibilities. Nation-state, integration, globalization.
- European Union (history of integrations; institutions and bodies). Policies of the EU. European model of society.
- Institutional solutions in constitutional system in Republic of Slovenia. Slovenia and the EU.
- Political culture.