Introduction to Linguistic Studies
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Pallay Jozef, izr. prof. dr. Stankovska Petra, izr. prof. dr. Wtorkowska Maria Zofia
1. Language. Definitions and typology of languages.
2. Linguistics, grammar, philology.
3. System and structure. Language and speech. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations in language. Synchrony and diachrony.
4. Language functions.
5. Language as a sign. Fundamentals of linguistic semiotics.
6. Language and society. Polygenesis and monogenesis of vernacular. Linguistic divergence and convergence.
7. Linguistic genres. Horizontal (geographical) and vertical (social and functional) division of language.
8. Linguistic levels (phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicology, word formation, phraseology, stylistics).
9. Sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, pragmalinguistics, cognitive linguistics.
10. Genetic typology of languages. Kentum and Satem languages.
11. Czech, Polish, Slovak from the point of view of linguistic typology.
12. Overview of the basic stages of development of the Czech, Polish and Slovak standard languages.
13. Language and linguistic manuals, dictionaries and grammars.
- Černý, J. Úvod do studia jazyka, Olomouc 1998.COBISS.SI-ID 35213922
- Čermák, F. Jazyk a jazykověda, Praha 1994 (in ponatisi).COBISS.SI-ID 1082722
- De Saussure, F. Opšta lingvistika, 1989.COBISS.SI-ID 7196162
- Golden, M. O jeziku in jezikoslovju, Ljubljana 1996 (2. dopolnjena izdaja 2001).
- Encyklopedia języka polskiego, red. S. Urbańczyk, Wrocław 1991. COBISS.SI-ID 33694464
- Klemensiewicz, Z. Historia języka polskiego, Warszawa 1985. COBISS.SI-ID 16674048
- Vaňko, J. Slovaška slovnica za Slovence. Ljubljana, 2004. COBISS.SI-ID 214514944
- Toporišič, J. Slovenska slovnica. Maribor 2004. COBISS.SI-ID 53483521
- Toporišič, J. Enciklopedija slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Ljubljana 1992. COBISS.SI-ID 24684032
Priporočena literatura:
- Przybylska, R. Wstęp do nauki o języku polskim, Kraków 2003.
- Dąbrowska, A. Język polski, seria: A to Polska właśnie, Wrocław 1999.