Slovene-Italian Translation II

Slovene-Italian Translation II

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 90

ECTS credit: 9

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Grgič Matejka, doc. dr. Paolucci Sandro, Zaposleni/pogodbeni bodoči

The course consists of two subcourses:
a) Translation-oriented Italian idiomatics and stylistics
b) Translation from Italian.
Translation-oriented Italian idiomatics and stylistics: Recognizing special features of a language in terms of expression, typical sentence patterns, and collocational as well as other links between words from a theoretical point of view and through practical work with texts.
Translation from Italian: Translating texts of selected types and with various functions from Italian into Slovene with an emphasis on cultural differences between the two languages; functional analysis of translation strategies, solving specific and systemic translation problems; analysing semantic fields and special features concerning register; reinforcing comprehension of Italian and Slovene texts.

Lavezzi G. (2019) Breve dizionario di retorica e stilistica. Roma: Carocci Editore. COBISS.SI-ID – 25814019

Students are expected to have access to mono- and bi-lingual dictionaries in electronic or paper form. Obligatory:
1. Bajec, A. et al., ur. (1970-1991) Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika I-IV. Ljubljana: DZS. . COBISS.SI-ID – 5680645
2. Enojezični italijanski slovar; študent lahko izbira med slovarji večjih italijanskih založb: Zanichelli, Garzanti itd.
3. Šlenc, S. (1997) Veliki italijansko-slovenski slovar. Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID – 3002398
Šlenc, S. (2006) Veliki slovensko-italijanski slovar. Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID - 225272832
Slovenski pravopis. Ljubljana: ZRC in SAZU.

Also recommended: various specialized dictionaries and other sources, dictionaries of synonyms, picture dictionaries, encyclopaedias, terminology dictionaries and glossaries, bi-lingual dictionaries with other language combinations.