Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Asst. Prof. Dr. Darja Mertelj

Darja Mertelj

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts /

Short biography

Darja Mertelj, Assist. Prof., is primarily involved in foreign/second language teaching methodology (for Italian as FL/L2) and, secondarily, in English and German as FLs, for general and specific purposes. Her research interests include: teacher training, task typology, course design, complex-clause syntax, teacher talk, L1 use, pedagogic translation, etc.

Reserch Gate:



Regular compulsory courses:

ITALIAN LANGUAGE (as FL/L2) Teaching Methodology 1

ITALIAN LANGUAGE (as FL/L2) Teaching Methodology 2, since 2017 together with Daša Stanič

ITALIAN LANGUAGE (as FL/L2) Teaching Methodology 3, since 2017 together with Daša Stanič

ITALIAN LANGUAGE (as FL/L2) Teaching Methodology – TEACHING PRACTICE, since 2017 together with Daša Stanič



Teoretične in aplikativne raziskave jezikov: kontrastivni, sinhroni in diahroni vidiki, national research programme, see:, head: Prof. Martina Ožbot Currie, more detail:

SDUTSJ, the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers = Slovensko društvo učiteljev tujega strokovnega jezika, (various functions since 2007), see

DUIS, Društvo učiteljev italijanščine v Sloveniji


International projects:

(member) Erasmus+ programme of the European Union : LSP Teacher Training Summer School (TRAILs), co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (Re: 2018-1-FR01-KA203-048085), from Oct. 2018 on, see: 
TRAILs addresses the issue of teacher education and skills development to promote high quality and innovative teaching in the field of Language for Specific Purposes (LSP). 
Partner insitutions/universiteis: Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven (Germany), Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza W Poznaniu (Poland), Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta (Slovenia), Sveuciliste U Zagrebu, Fakultet Strojarstva I Brodogradnje (Croatia), Università degli Studi di Bergamo(Italy), Universidad De Cadiz (Spain), Arcola Research Llp (United Kingdom), University of Bordeaux ESPE (France).

Non-literary reading project: FRIULI STORIA (, from Oct. 2017 on, collaboration with Prof. Tommaso Piffer, University of Oxford (Great Britain), now: Università degli Studi di Udine, Italia. Organisation of students participating to the readings.

LSP international scientific conference, in 2017 and 2020, see: member of organizing and programme committee.


In process of reviewing:

for Linguistica, see

MERTELJ, Darja. Student Teachers of Foreign Languages - their Perceptions about the Teaching Practice, the related Workload and the Impact of their Mentors.

for Italiano LinguaDue, see:

MERTELJ, Darja. L1 e Traduzione Didattica Nel Teacher Talk Degli Insegnanti D’Italiano e D’Inglese come Lingue Straniere per Scopi Specialistici.

for a scientific monograph, USA:

JURKOVIČ, Violeta, LENASSI, Nives, KILAR, Vita, MERTELJ, Darja. Online informal learning of languages and foreign language teachers – a complex dynamic systems perspective.


Selected publications from 2017-2018-2019, for the rest see:

Original scientific article

MERTELJ, Darja. Teacher talk in higher education as a language for specific purposes : its features and LSP teachers' awareness. Iranian journal of language teaching research. 2019, vol. 7, iss. 2, 83-99,

MERTELJ, Darja. Representations of people in foreign language textbooks. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IV, Philology. Cultural Studies. 2019, vol. 12 (61), iss. 1, 23-40,

Chapter in a scientific monograph

MERTELJ, Darja. Elements of pedagogical translation within teaching foreign languages for specific purposes. In: KOLETNIK, Melita (ed.), FRŒLIGER, Nicolas (ed.). Translation and language teaching : continuing the dialogue. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, cop. 2019, 59-82

Published scientific conference contribution abstract

Related to EU Erasmus+ project: TRAILs, abstracts/presentations (co-authored):

Italy, Padova, July 2019, Mediating specialised knowledge : challenges and opportunities for LSP communication, translation and research, see:

  • The needs of LSP teachers in the EHEA, co-authored with: Violeta Jurkovič, Mateja Dostal, Saša Podgoršek.

Slovenia, Koper / Capodistria, April 2019, A Plurilingual Mindset in European Education Contexts = Obrazi raznojezičnosti v evropskih izobraževalnih kontekstih = Aspetti del plurilinguismo nei contesti educativi europei

  • LSP teacher training in the EHEA : multilingual, English, or largely absent?, co-authored with: Violeta Jurkovič, Mateja Dostal, Saša Podgoršek.

Italy, Bozen / Bolzano, June 2018, Teaching Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes in Higher Education: English-Deutsch-Italiano, Language Centre of the Free University of Bozen / Bolzano, see

  • Role of language 1 and culture 1 in two LSP textbooks : German/Italian for ethnologists and cultural anthropologists, co-authored with: Violeta Jurkovič.
  • Features of pedagogical translation and L1 use within teaching LSP in higher education, co-authored with: Violeta Jurkovič.

Poland, Wroclaw / Breslavia, Dec. 2018, Italiano e lingue slave: problemi di grammatica contrastiva, see

  • Insegnare strutture grammaticali alla luce contrastiva : che cosa risulta dalle prove con le frasi iussive tra i futuri insegnanti, co-autored with: Mateja Brus.
  • Possibili applicazioni della contrastività nell'esercitarsi con la grammatica d'italiano come LS, not co-autored.
  • Inclinazione verso l'apprendimento 'contrastivo' delle frasi complesse tra gli studenti di liceo sloveni, co-autored with: Mateja Brus.
  • Insegnare la sintassi italiana della frase complessa al livello B1, tra testualità e contrastività, co-autored with: Mirjam Premrl.


  • Teacher talk as a language for specific purposes in LSP classes of English, German and Italian.
  • Italian and Slovene cultures in contact in an (F)LSP textbook : Italian as FL for Slovene students of ethnology and cultural anthropology, co-authored with: Kaja K. Brecelj.

Final research report:

BITENC PEHARC, Suzana and research co-workers (alphabetically): BAŽEC, Helena), KENDA, Jana, MERTELJ, Darja, PAVLIN, Neda, PREMRL, Mirjam, RACE, Tea, STANIČ, Daša, ŠEČEROV, Neva. Umestitev nacionalnih izpitov iz italijanščine v skupni evropski jezikovni okvir : zaključno poročilo o izvedbi projekta (= Calbiration of national exams ... . Ljubljana: Državni izpitni center, 2017.

Reviewer for:

BRECELJ, Kaja K. Italijanščina za etnologe in kulturne antropologe II = Italiano per gli studenti di etnologia e antropologia culturale II. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2018.

Performed works (LSP teacher education)

MERTELJ, Darja. Jezik učitelja pri pouku tujega strokovnega jezika. (webinar, Feb. 2019)

MERTELJ, Darja. Tipologija nalog pri poučevanju/učenju TSJ. (workshop, Jan. 2019)

Peer-reviewing for:

Mentor for Master's Theses (Bologna study programme), from 2017, 2018, 2019

FURLAN, Leja. Razvijanje govornega sporazumevanja v italijanščini in slovenščini kot tujih jezikih ob didaktičnih gradivih na ravneh A2 in B1 = Sviluppare il parlato in italiano e sloveno come lingue straniere usando il materiale didattico a livello A2 e B1 : magistrsko delo.

ČUFER, Nina. L'analisi degli errori orali e della loro correzione nella classe di italiano come lingua straniera = Analiza ustnih napak in njihovega popravljanja pri pouku italijanščine kot tujega jezika : magistrsko delo.

SIMONCIG, Sara. Evaluating communicative competence - the balance between accuracy and intelligibility : (English and Italian as foreign languages) = Valutare la competenza comunicativa - l'equilibrio tra accuratezza e comprensibilità : (Inglese e Italiano come lingue straniere) = Vrednjotenje [!] sporazumevalne zmožnosti - ravnovesje med pravilnostjo in razumljivostjo : (angleščina in italijanščina kot tuja jezika) : magistrsko delo.

Master's Theses, in progress, working titles:

  • SABADIN, Samanta. Feedback correttivo scritto dell’insegnante nell’apprendimento di una lingua straniera.
  • LOGAR, Tjaša. Developing Spoken Interaction at B1 Level in Italian and English as Foreign Languages = Sviluppare l’abilità di parlato al livello B1 in italiano e inglese come lingue straniere
  • KOKOŠIN, Andreja. Developing Spoken Production at B1 level in Italian and English as Foreign Languages= Sviluppare la produzione orale dell'italiano e inglese come lingue straniere al livello B1
  • JESENOVEC, Jošt. Gledališča improvizacija po načelih ‘impro’ pri pouku umetnosti in tujega jezika.


Compulsory Courses

Elective Courses


09. 11. - 11. 11. 2023
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts

26th Neolithic Seminar 'Eurasian Neolithics: How Cultures and Societies Evolve and Why It Matters'

27. 02. 2023
Faculty of Arts

Online presentation of University of Ljubljana for prospective international students

13. 10. 2022
Administrative Office for Doctoral Study, Faculty of Arts

EUTOPIA Citizen Science Clinics

15. 09. 2022
Administrative Office for Undergraduate Study Programme, Faculty of Arts

Reception for International Students at the Faculty of Arts and at the University of Ljubljana (two separate events)

22. 02. 2022
Faculty of Arts

Online sessions for prospective international students, 22 February 2022 at 1.15 pm (CET)