Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo

Literarna revija Why nICHt vabi k oddaji prispevkov

WhynICHt is looking for your words and art on the theme of “Tea Time”! Whether you write short stories, poetry, paint, draw or create something else printable, it could speak to that magical time a Mad Hatter, March Hare and Dormouse get together and recite nonsense in Alice in Wonderland. Serve us from the porcelain of the Chinese imperial court, or the rough cups of a Mumbai tea-seller. Five o’clock strikes and warmth spreads: make yourself a cup and be inspired by its taste, and the wealth of stories steaming from its history.

Deadline: 15. February 2024

For more information, take a look at our website! There you will find the submission guidelines and our submission form. https://whynicht.com/

Submissions can be in English, German and French without a translation and in any other language with a translation into English.


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Študentsko delo

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