Oddelek za zgodovino

Poletna šola o italijanski zgodovini in kulturi, julij 2023

Pozdravljeni, s strani organizatorjev smo prejeli sledeče obvestilo (šola je plačljiva):

we are happy to inform you that the University of Padua, Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, is organising a Summer School in Italian History and Culture. 

The Summer School will take place in Padua, Italy, from 3 to 28 July 2023 (4 weeks). It will include lectures, workshops and interactive group activities and it will grant the participants with 6 ECTS. Courses in Italian language will also be offered as part of the School.

For detailed information on course contents, fees, application form, etc please refer to: https://www.unipd.it/en/summer-term

Deadline for applications is 28 February 2023. 


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Sprememba GU Andreja Inkret

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Učiteljica/učitelj slovenščine

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Oddelek za zgodovino

Obvestilo - strokovna služba oddelka